Sunday, November 2, 2008

6 month update. Kylie is 19 lbs. 29 in., wearing nothing less than 12month clothes and ready to run. She has her two bottom teeth in and I don't think the top ones are far behind. She loves oatmeal, sweet potatoes, squash, bananas and pears...really everything besides peas. Kylie is sitting up by herself for about 3 minutes at most then she gets a little wobbly. She has been officially sleeping through the night for about the last two months. She (we) loves her babysitter Dolly. We are so thankful for Dolly. She takes such great care of Kylie and our house. They watch Seasame Street and Barney. They love reading books and singing. Kylie loves her entertainment center that she can run around. We are thinking she may run before she crawls...haha. We also think she may be a lefty which is making her Daddy very excited.

Her first food coma. As Kylie was finishing her desert mixture of bananas, peaches and raspberries she passed out cold.

These were her unofficial costumes. I figured she will never be able to fit into them again...maybe the pooh one, but not for long. Uncle Dan Dan got her pumpkin outfit especially for our Punkin Pie.

Happy Halloween! Kylie was a little lamb for Halloween. Unfortuantely the costume was 6-9 months and our little baby who wieghed in at 19 lbs and 29 in. is already wearing 12 month clothes. So let's just say with everything unsnapped it lasted about a good hour.