Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Better late than never! It has been awhile since we have updated the blog and we have had alot of things happen! Casey is now starting his to take courses to get his Real Estate license and is still with Steelman Partners. Katie is going into her third year of teaching and luckily will be teaching second grade for the second year. Kylie is now 15 months old and is now known as the "bulldozer." She loves to be outside, loves Elmo and Winnie the Pooh, loves smoothies and gives everything else kisses except people. Kylie says ma ma, da da, duck, book, Pa Pa, osh (for cousin Josh), gog, cookie, pooh and is on the brink of saying Gramma. Kylie will also be welcoming a baby sister (hopefully before) November 27!!! This summer has been great. We flew to Minnesota right as it started to get hot here in Vegas. We timed it perfectly to spend a birthday week with Grandma Kathy up at the lake cabin with lots of MN family. Unfortunately for Casey the weather was not up to his MN summer standard so the water sports were limited. From Mn we went to San Juan Capistrano where Kylie and Katie spent two weeks playing in the sand, going to Starbucks and taking walks with Grandma Colleen and "Pa Pa." What a fast and furious year!

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